
by IMLeagues, LLC



Todos sus IMLeagues información en su teléfono - intramuros, clubes y la aptitud!

IMLeagues Is Changing The World Of Collegiate Recreation!nIntramurals - Clubs - FitnessnnWhat We Do For Participants:nIMLeagues makes playing intramurals, fitness, and club sports much more fun for participants by giving them access to a vast array of interactive features, essentially turning each participant into a fantasy player with lifetime stats, trophies, and achievements!nnWhat We Do For Administrators:nUsed by over 95% of collegiate intramural sports programs (and now fitness and club sports programs too!), IMLeagues gives recreation department staff the ability to set up sports leagues, schedule games, track players and statistics, run Greek life/group leagues, send mass notifications on cancellations, make changes from any internet connected computer, and more.